Howard Pearlmutter
Howard Pearlmutter is an internationally-known technology expert, advisor, & thought leader -- and an award-winning software developer and public speaker.
A central theme throughout his career has been the application of adaptive systems approaches to the often-rigid practices of IT -- reducing risk and boosting productivity via extensible languages, agile methods, and other non-linear approaches that recognize the fundamental centrality of the feedback cycle.
Pearlmutter has been active with agile approaches since the late 1970s -- for far longer than "agility" has been popular in the software community or "lean startup" has been popular in the venture community.
His work spans a wide spectrum -- he's led, strategized, implemented, practiced, managed, taught, financed and popularized adaptive, agile, extensible approaches as part of his work with some of the world's leading media, communications, financial, environmental, industrial, and educational organizations, including UPS, Disney, Apple, Intel, Financial Times, Goldman Sachs, CapitalOne, Cable & Wireless, Friends of the Earth, SoftwareAG, SunGard, Symantec, and NASA.
Pearlmutter teaches IT managers and architects worldwide (US, UK, Israel, Singapore, Australia) how to avoid the pitfalls of methodologies and processes, how to avoid development blackholes and deadends, how to pick the right platforms and tools, how to make the right strategic technical bets to maximize the probability of future success.
Testimonials & Quotations
Howard Pearlmutter Executive Summary